Thursday, 5 April 2012

Five Types of Culture Studies

Name: Joshi Toral
Paper: E-E-205-B: Cultural Studies
Topic: Five Types of Culture Studies
SEM: 1, part 2.
Year: 2011-2012
Submitted to,
Dr.Dilip Barad,
Bhavnagar University,

·      Introduction:
                   The word culture is so different to pin down; “culture studies” is hard to define.
                             Elaine showalter’s “culture” model of feminine difference “culture studies” is not so much a discrete approach at all, but rather a set of practices.

Ø As Patrick Bran linger has pointed out, culture studies are not.
“A tightly coherent unified movement with a fixed agenda”
“A loosely coherent group of tendencies, issues, and question”

          Arising from the social tarmac of the 1960s. Cultural studies is composed of elements of Marxism, Poststrutralism and Postmodernism, feminism, genderstedies, anthropology, filmthory, urboanstudies and postcoloniclstudies

Ø Five Types of Culture Studies:-

·      British Culture Materialism:-
                                 Culture studies are referred to as “culture materialism” in the later nineteenth century Mathew Arnold sought to read fine the “givens” of British culture.
Edward Burnett Taylor’s pioneening a thropological study primitive culture argued that
“Culture or civilization, taken in its widest ethnographic sense is a complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.”
                                  Claude Levi-Strauss influence moved British thinkers to assign “culture” to primitive people, and then with the work of British scholars link Raymond Williams, to attribute culture to the working class as well as the elite. As Williams memorably states:
“There are no masses; there are only ways of seeing people as masses.”

To appreciate the importance of this revision of “culture” we must situate it within the controlling myth of social and political reality of the British Empire upon which
     “The sun never set”
      In British also Feminism was also important for culture materialist in recognizing how seemingly “disinterested” thought is shaped by power structures such as patriarchy.

·       New historicism:-
Jonathan Swift Laputa-“the whore” men’s when the gave that name to the flying island in the third voyage of Gulliver’s Travels? It is a question that has tantalized readers since the 18th century.
“If the 1970s could be called the age of Deconstruction.”
                   -Joseph Litvak.
“Some hypothetical survey of late 20th century criticism might well characterize the 1980s as making the “Return to History,” or perhaps the recovery of the refemt”
“The text is historical, and history textual”
                                                -Michael Warner phrases
“Always histories”
                                                -Frederic Jameson
          As a return to historical scholarship, new historicism concerns itself with extra literary matters letters ideas    films painting medical looking to novel opposing historical tension in a text. New historical seek, “Surprising condenses” that may cross Generic historical and cultural lines in borrowing of metaphor ceremony or popular culture.
          New historicism versus old historicism.
The latter says, Porter show history as
                   “World views magisterially unfolding as a series of tableaux in a film called progress”
          Stephen Greenbelt, a Renaissance scholar and founding editor of the journal Representation may be credited with the coining of the term “New historicism”
“The moment of exchange”
                                      -H.Aram Veeser

          Laputa has at its center a giant lodestone on which the movement of the island depends. But eventfully the control over the feminine that drives Laputa because its own undoing for the men of the island try to restrict their women from traveling below to Barbican the more male impotence threatens Laputa society.
They also reflected the “rabbet-woman.”

·      American Multiculturalism:-
                 In 1965 the Watts race riots drew worldwide attention. The civil Rights act had passed in 1964.and the backlash was well under way in 1965 murders and other atrocities attended the civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery. President Lyndon Johnson signed the voting rights act. The “long, hot summer of 1966 saw. Violent insurrection in Newark.Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, Milwaukee.Atlanta, Sun Francisco the very television seemed ablaze.

          “The black panther party was founded. James Meredith, the first African American student to enroll at the University of Mississippi, was wounded by a white segregationist.
      The also an Interracial marriage was still illegal in many states.
“Every American should understand Mexico from the point of view of the history before the conquest….. No American should graduate from collage without a framework of knowledge that includes at least some construct of Asian history of African history.

·      Postmodernism and Popular Culture:-
Ø Postmodernism:-
Postmodernism, like poststrualism and deconstruction is a critique of the aesthetics of the preceding age, but besides more critique, postmodernism celebrates the very act of dismembering tradition. Postmodernism quests held to be true, arguing that it is all contingent and that most cultural constructions have served the function of empowering members of a dominate social group at the expense of “others.” Beginning in the mid-1980s, postmodernism merged in art, architecture, music, film, literature, sociology, communications, fashion, and other fields.
TV is now hard to distinguish from reality and from television entertainment.
Ø Popular Culture:-
                 There was a time before the 1960s when popular culture was not studied by academics when it was, well, just popular culture. But within American studies programs at first and then later in many disciplines, including, semiotics, rhetoric, literary, criticism, film studies, ethnic studies, and psychoanalytic  approaches, critics examine such auteur media as pulp fiction, popular music, and computer cyber culture. They assess how such factors as ethnicity, race, gender, class age, region, and sexuality popular culture.
        There are fore types of popular cultural analyses:
Ø Production analysis
Ø Textual analysis
Ø Audience analysis
Ø Historical analysis.
·      Postcolonial studies:
Post colonialism refers to a historical phase undergone by third world countries after the decline of colonialism.
          When countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean separated from the European empires and were left to rebuild themselves
Many third world writers focus on both colonialism and the changes create in a post colonial culture. Among the many challenges facing post colonial writers are the attend both to resurrect there culture and combat the pre-connection about their culture.
Among the most importance figure post colonial feminism is Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak who examine the effect of political independences upon “subaltern” or subprobetniam women is the third world.
·      Conclusion:
First of all it is a increasingly. Clear that by the year 2050 united state will be what demography calls a “majority-minority “population.




  1. Hello Toral,

    Could you please give one example of Popular Culture? Thank you in advance.

  2. Hey Toral,
    you have given well description about all five cultural studies with critic's example.Good one.Thank You...
